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Terimakasih atas kunjungan anda.^^

Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

Never Ending Controversy between Indonesia and Malaysia

Indonesia and Malaysia are one clump countries. Its have some similarity, for example the language. Malaysia using melayu as their national language is similar with Indonesian. Actually we have a good relationship but we have a never ending controversy since the problem of Indonesian culture claimed by Malaysia.

The controversy began when Malaysia sold Sipadan Ligitan and Ambalat islands which are belongs to Indonesia. Sipadan Ligitan and Ambalat are small islands located in Indonesia but they are nearer with Malaysia.

Then turn up the problem of Indonesian culture which is claimed by Malaysia. Malaysia used Rasa Sayange song as a jingle of Malaysian tourism promotion. Rasa Sayange is a folk song coming from Maluku, Indonesia. It is always sung heredity to show their love to the environment and socialization among Maluku’s society. Malaysia claims that Rasa Sayange song is their own. But Indonesia can give evidence that Rasa Sayange song is belongs to Indonesia. Rasa Sayange is firstly recorded in Lokananta record company located in Solo 1962.

Pendet dance is a traditional dance coming from Bali. It is a sacred dance which is used in the religion ritual of Hindu in Bali. But suddenly Malaysia claims that it was their own.

Not only Rasa Sayange song, Pendet dance but also angklung and batik are claimed by Malaysia as their own. Indonesian people are very angry because of this case. Then controversy uses virtual world is begin. Both Indonesia and Malaysia cavil at each other.

Indonesian bluecollar workers and craftsmen employed overseas which is called TKI in Malaysia to be victims of this controversy. Many TKI in Malaysia are tortured by their boss and they didn’t get their payment appropriated with the agreement before. Many TKI in Malaysia are done like an animal even some TKI were die because of the torturing there.

Controversy between Indonesia and Malaysia occurs until now. The relationship between us is broken. I hope this problem can be solved as soon as possible. So, Indonesia and Malaysia can be a good partner and rebuild a good relationship between us. There are many innocent people to be the victims of this problem. It will be better if we are together because together we are invincible.

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