Blog ini merupakan potret kehidupan saya yang seperti gado-gado. Semuanya bercampur aduk jadi satu disini dengan berbagai gaya bahasa, berbagai cara penulisan, dan berbagai macam hal. Disini terdapat segala hal yang saya pikirkan, saya lihat, saya dengar dan saya rasa. Maklumlah masih blogger pemula jadi ya masih gak karuan, but I like to learn by doing.
segala macam kritik dan saran pun saya terima dengan senang hati.
Terimakasih atas kunjungan anda.^^

Senin, 24 Januari 2011


Mlathi Paramesthi, it’s a simple name given by my parents. Most people call me Mlathi. I was born in a small beautiful town named Banjarnegara on November 28th 1990.

I’m an ordinary girl but I have unordinary life story. People who don’t know about me will think that I’m a calm girl. Actually, I’m a fussy girl so I easy to get friends. I like challenges so I like trying a new thing to get more experiences.

When I was in a Senior High School, I never joined with any student association or the other activities so I have no experiences besides studying and hanging out with my friends. Now I try to join with a student association to get more experiences.

In my opinion, I’m a girl who has a combination of personality character between sanguinis and plegmatis. But the sanguinis character is more dominant. As a sanguin, I’m very talkative and friendly. I like having many friends. I get many knowledge and spectacular experiences with them. I’m very enthusiastic in doing something new and challenging. If I have a desire, I’m very ambitious to reach my desire and I’m ready to compete with others. But sometimes I’m very lazy finishing my work so the result is messy and unsatisfied.

As a plegmatis, I’m an ordinary girl who doesn’t like wearing colorful clothes. I like to keep my feeling to others. I prefer to keep silent if I have a problem. Someone ever said to me that I have a koleris character when he saw my eyes. I don’t know exactly his reason saying like that. I ever been a leader in a big event, but I don’t want to be a koleris because a koleris will oppress his/her members. I have a dream that I want to be a leader in a company but I’ll be a good leader and will not oppress my members because a leader can not do anything without his/her members.

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