Blog ini merupakan potret kehidupan saya yang seperti gado-gado. Semuanya bercampur aduk jadi satu disini dengan berbagai gaya bahasa, berbagai cara penulisan, dan berbagai macam hal. Disini terdapat segala hal yang saya pikirkan, saya lihat, saya dengar dan saya rasa. Maklumlah masih blogger pemula jadi ya masih gak karuan, but I like to learn by doing.
segala macam kritik dan saran pun saya terima dengan senang hati.
Terimakasih atas kunjungan anda.^^

Senin, 24 Januari 2011

My Avocation

Hobby is a continuous activity that people feel happy doing the activity it self. I’m sure that everybody has their own hobby. By doing their hobby they can enjoy their life and can refresh their mind from their work or their problem they have.

I have some hobbies. They are reading, traveling, watching movie, and photography. I like reading since I was a child. When I couldn’t read yet, I often asked my mother to read a story for me. My mother didn’t want to read any story book again for me since I was in elementary school because she wants me to read the story by my self. I learn hard to read and my mother always helps me to learn. Then this hobby is still going on until now. I like reading everything but the most favorite book I read is novel. It can improve my imagination when read it. I feel that I’m watching movie in my mind. Book is a friend that will not praise you too much, a friend that will never deceive on you.

I like a challenge. That’s why I like traveling especially in a natural place that has some challenging things there or it needs hard struggle to arrive there. I like traveling to somewhere with my friends by motorcycle because It’s cheaper than other transportation. It’s also an efficient and challenging transportation. By traveling to somewhere, it can improve knowledge and experiences. Everyplace has their own peculiarity that other places don’t have the peculiarity itself.

Watching movie is one of my hobbies. I often spend my spare time with watching movie. Action movie is the most favorite movie I like. Maybe it has a relation between my interest in a challenge thing. But it doesn’t mean that I never watch the other kind of movie such as romantic, horror, or comedy film. Whatever the kind of movie, the most important is that it can make me enjoy my spare time.

When I see a beautiful photo I always think how they can take the photo well. Actually I want to learn how to take a good picture but it needs much money. I just learn autodidact with the patch camera I have. I wish that someday I can buy a professional camera so I can hunt many pictures every time and everywhere I like.

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