Starting in Radio Careers
Depending on your skills, you have a wide choice of radio jobs to choose from and radio careers to begin.
There is the online radio route which will no doubt offer you more freedom and fewer hassles than working for a radio station, and you can pretty much start off as a station manager right away.
Radio careers in the online world are easier to get and maintain and you can be your own radio DJ without any real training to speak of.
General Manager
- Bertanggungjawab atas keseluruhan operasional studio sehari-hari baik dari aspek program, bisnis/marketing, maupun teknik (perangkat siaran).
Station Manager
- Head of the radio station
- Organizing the content and daily programming
- Being in charge of the radio DJ’s, audio engineers, and radio producers.
- To become a station manager you will usually have to start off doing smaller jobs like being an assistant or radio producer first and work your way up to being a station manager.
- Oversee each and every radio program
- Get to make all of the final decisions when it comes to what content is aired, what song are to be played, what news stories are included and more.
- Delegate those various responsibilities over to each radio DJ and producer in charge of their own shows, but station manager have the final decisions.
- Can be further broken into sales manager, general station manager, traffic manager, content manager and others depending on the needs and size of the radio station.
Program Director
- The radio program director will make sure the radio show runs smoothly and includes all of the important music and content that is required.
- They will work closely with the station manager to ensure that ratings are calculated and that advertisers are happy.
- Bos langsung para penyair.
- membuat jadwal siaran
- Menjaga konsistensi dan kualitas produksi (Quality Control)
- Mengembangkan dan melaksanakan format siaran
- Mempekerjakan dan mengatur staf siaran
- Mengikuti perkembangan persaingan dan tren yang mungkin mempengaruhi pemrograman
- Mengatur kegiatan bidang pemberitaan (news editor) dan masalah umum
- Bertanggungjawab atas kelancaran dan mengatasi masalah yang muncul dalam hal program siaran
- Bertanggung jawab atas peningkatan kualitas siaran serta kinerja dan kualitas SDM penyiar
- Bekerjasama dan koordinasi dengan Marketing Manager dalam hal program yang berpotensi mendatangkan iklan/sponsor acara
Marketing Manager
- Tugasnya mencari “duit” (iklan).
- Meningkatkan pendapatan stasiun radio dengan mengatur penjualan jam siaran komersial (air time) alias mencari iklan
- Mengawasi staf penjualan
- Bekerjasama dengan wakil perusahaan untuk menarik pengiklan
- Menugaskan tenaga penjual (sales)
- Mengkoordinasikan penjualan promosi on air dan in store
- Mengembangkan materi-materi penjualan
- Menyusun jadwal penyiaran iklan dan merekap pelaporan siarannya
- Berkoordinasi dengan Program Director dalam penjadwalan siaran iklan.
Manajer Teknik
- Bertanggung jawab atas kualitas audio siaran radio yang dikonsumsi pendengar.
- Mengoperasikan atau memastikan bekerjanya semua peralatan stasiun (radio tools), termasuk soal pemancar, sesuai dengan parameter teknik yang ditentukan oleh pemerintah/lembaga berwenang
- Membeli, memperbaiki, dan memelihara peralatan siaran
- Memantau ketepatan sinyal
- Menyesuaikan radio untuk keperluan pemrograman
- Mempersiapkan operasi penyiaran jarak jauh.
Music Director
- Bertanggung jawab menyusun daftar lagu (play list)Menyeleksi lagu dan menentukan boleh-tidaknya sebuah lagu diputar di ruang siaran oleh penyiar. Koordinasi dengan PD sebagai atasan langsungnya. “Berurusan” dengan perusahaan rekaman atau manajer penyanyiUrusan kaset atau lagu baruUrusan promo album atau wawancara artis.
Manajer Produksi
- Menentuan sesi perekamanMenangani spot-spot iklan atau spot promosi programTurut mengarahkan program siaran bersama PD dan MD. Bersama staf teknisnya, dialah yang bertanggungjawab atas kualitas audio sebuah lagu, mengeditnya, biar enak didengar dan layak siar (fit to broadcast).
- Menangani khusus satu atau lebih program siaran, menentukan materi siaran, penyiarnya, juga menentukan narasumber atau bintang tamu jika diperlukan.
- Koordinasi dengan PD sebagai atasan langsungnya.
- Bertanggungjawab atas penggalian ide acara dan pengembangannya.
- Mengelola tim teknis dan tim kreatif untuk memproduksi program akhir.
- Bisa juga dia merangkap sebagai penyairnya langsung.
- Memeriksa dan memastikan kesiapan orang, bahan dan peralatan yang diperlukan untuk mendukung acara –penyiar, operator, narasumber, musik pendukung, daftar lagu— bekerjasama/berkoordinasi dengan pihak lain (news director, music director, tenisi, dll.).
- Semacam koordinator sebuah acara.
- · In charge of each radio show.
- Decide on what each show should include in its programming.
- Give the DJ what music they should play and what important things should be mentioned if any.
- Liaise with any sponsors and advertisers and give the DJ scripts if there are any competitions to mention, specific sponsors”””” slogans and adverts, etc.
News Director
- Menangani berita-berita-berita atau informasi yang harus disiarkan oleh penyiar.
- Menyeleksi bahan-bahan berita yang ada untuk disiarkan.
- Memilih tema-tema untuk dibicaraan oleh penyiar bersama pendengar.
Script Writer
- Menyusun dan mengedit naskah yang akan digunakan atau disiarkan oleh penyiar.
- Siapkan juga berbagai bahan atau informasi yang mendukung sebuah program siaran, misalnya tips atau info ringan.
Copy Writer
- Copy writers make the radio come to life and provoke thought with interesting radio copy for commercials and presentations.
- Radio copy is difficult to write, as you have to say as much as you can within a very short space of time, usually 30 seconds.
- Your radio ad scripts have to be catchy, fun, and written in a specific way for radio, so that a voice over artist can convey your message effectively for the listeners.
- You can either choose to work for the recording studio or production company, or you can get a script writer job at the actual radio station.
Public Relations
- Membangun citra positif radio.
· Menangani proposal kerjasama dan mengkoordinasikannya dengan Program Director dan Marketing Manager.
- Menjalin hubungan baik dengan lembaga-lembaga yang potensial menjadi pengiklan, pendukung program siaran, dan pendengar setia.
Off Air Division
· Bagian khusus menangani acara non-siaran di studio.
· Umumnya radio punya OB Van (On Board Van), bahkan “panggung bergerak” (Mobile Stage) untuk mengadakan acara-acara off air.
· Menanangi branding, yaitu promosi dan membangun kesan (image building).
· Seperti EO (Event Organizer), menangani sebuah acara dari A sampai Z sehingga berjalan lancar.
Audio Engineer
· Sound production and audio engineering
· Working alongside a radio DJ to produce their radio show.
· Each radio DJ usually has his own radio audio engineer.
· Essentially make sure there is sound being broadcast for the radio show or for live radio.
· Understand exactly how to mix music, edit tracks, fade in and fade out the DJ and the music, among other things.
· Have a room full of equipment that you must use including a mixing desk, microphones, headphones, intercoms, computers, and more.
- You should be able to mix, master, fade in and fade out, reduce noise, pick up soft voices, and anything else sound related that the radio program may require.
Radio DJ / Radio Announcer
· A radio DJ requires to have a good and likeable radio voice.
· Need to get voice training and have a natural, interesting voice that people relate to.
· Need to know a lot about music and learn how to play and link together songs and segments.
· In some smaller radio stations, the radio DJ will also be his or her own audio engineer.
· Need to know how to mix music and talk confidently on live radio.
· Some acting training or public speaking training will help you in this regard.
· A radio DJ is the life and soul of radio.
· You are the voice that everyone hears when they tune in to your radio station or radio program.
Radio Presenter / Newsreader
· A radio presenter is different to the radio DJ
· Usually present certain segments in the radio shows such as the news, the weather, or other short inserts.
· To be a radio presenter, you need to have a good voice for radio and you will need to complete a radio presenters course to learn the correct way to speak on radio so that you are heard clearly and understood. It gives you the correct microphone technique, voice tone, inflection, and more.
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